Benavides Velasco, Carlos A. (Coord.) (2013): Integración de la Responsabilidad Social en los sistemas de garantía interna de la calidad: Hacia una Universidad Saludable, Sostenible y Solidaria (EA 2011-0027). (Integration of Social Responsibility in the internal guarantee systems of quality: Health, Sustainability and Solidarity in Universities). Programa de Estudio y Análisis del Ministerio de Educación. Ed. Dirección del Plan Estratégico y Responsabilidad Social de la Universidad de Málaga y Cátedra Santander de Responsabilidad Social Corporativa de la Universidad de Málaga. Málaga. ISBN: 978-84-616-3510-8.
(Among others, the following members of the Santander Center of CSR are authors: Carlos G. Benavides-Chicón, Laura Guitart-Tarrés, Macarena Marchante-Lara, Paloma Miravitlles-Matamoros, Cristina Quintana-García and Rosa Santero-Sánchez).
Quintana García, Cristina; Marchante Lara, Macarena y Benavides-Chicón, Carlos G. (2018): “Social responsibility and total quality in the hospitality industry: Does gender matter?” Journal of Sustainable Tourism, vol. 26, nº 5, pp. 722-739.
Quintana García, Cristina y Elvira, Marta M. (2017): “The Effect of the External Labor Market on the Gender Pay Gap Among Executives”. ILR Review, vol. 70, nº 1, pp. 132-159.
Quintana García, Cristina y Benavides Velasco, Carlos A. (2016): “Gender diversity in top management teams and innovation capabilities: The initial public offerings of biotechnology firms”. Long Range Planning, vol. 49, nº 4, pp. 507-518.
Benavides Velasco, Carlos A.; Quintana García, Cristina and Marchante Lara, Macarena (2014): “Total quality management, corporate social responsibility and performance in the hotel industry”. International Journal of Hospitality Management, vol. 41, pp. 77-87.
(BEST PAPER AWARD) Quintana García, Cristina; Marchante Lara, Macarena and Benavides Velasco, Carlos A. (2015): “Corporate Social Responsibility, Total Quality Management and Hotel Performance: The role of Gender Diversity”. 2nd International Conference on Advances in Management, Economics and Social Science MES’15. Institute of Research Engineers and Doctors. Rome (Italy), 18-19 April.
Quintana García, Cristina y Elvira Rojo, Marta M. (2015): ”The Effect of the External Labor Market on the Gender Pay Gap among Executives”. ILR/Cornell Conference, Increasing Inclusion/Reducing Discrimination: What Works? New York City (EE.UU), June 4-5.
Quintana García, Cristina and Elvira Rojo, Marta M. (2014): “The effect of relying on external vs. internal labor markets on the gender pay gap”. 30th EGOS Colloquium 2014, Erasmus University, Rotterdam (The Netherlands), 3-5 July.
Benavides Velasco, Carlos A.; Quintana García, Cristina and Marchante Lara, Macarena (2014): “Corporate Social Responsibility and Total Quality Management as an antecedent of hotel performance”. 18th Conference of the International Academy of Management and Business (IAMB). Rome TRE University. Rome (Italy), 17-19 September.
Quintana García, Cristina; Marchante Lara, Macarena and Benavides Velasco, Carlos A. (2014): “Responsabilidad social en el sistema universitario español: compromiso de las universidades”. 9º Congreso Internacional de Educación Superior. Por universidad socialmente responsable. La Habana (Cuba), 10-14 February.
Benavides Chicón, Carlos G.; Marchante Lara, Macarena and Quintana García, Cristina (2014): ”Responsabilidad social universitaria: benchmarking del sistema universitario español”. 9º Congreso Internacional de Educación Superior. Por universidad socialmente responsable. La Habana (Cuba), 10-14 February.
Quintana García, Cristina and Benavides Velasco, Carlos A. (2013): “Valuing research-intensive firms going public and gender diversity in management”. 16th International Academy of Management and Business (IAMB) Conference. George Washington University, Washington, DC (EE.UU), 6-7 de noviembre.
Quintana García, C. and Benavides Velasco, Carlos A. (2013): “The initial public offering of high-technology firms: Female executive managers and innovation”. The 35th DRUID Celebration Conference 2013 on Innovation, Strategy, and Entrepreneurship. Competitivenes and Dynamics of Organizations, Technologies, Systems and Geography. ESADE. Barcelona, 17-19 June.